Sunday, February 27, 2011

Breakfast In Bed

I love brunches. They are a great excuse to eat and drink anything you want for breakfast. This time I have finally tried an emu egg. No regrets.

Because emus lay their eggs standing up, the protective green shell is very thick. I had to use a chisel to crack it open. The size of an average emu egg equals to about 8 - 10 chicken eggs.

Here is my emu egg omelet recipe:

one emu egg
one large onion, sliced in thin rings
one cup of goat milk
half cup of crumbled goat cheese
2 tbsp olive oil
pinch of salt
freshly-ground pepper

Simmer onions in olive oil (I used a non-stick frying pan) until they start to turn clear.
In a big bowl whisk an emu egg with a pinch of salt, then add goat milk and cheese, + freshly-ground pepper to your taste. Pour the mixture over the onions, and let it cook covered on low heat until the omelet is ready. It will rise and will be very fluffy. Make sure to not overcook it.

The combination of onions + goat milk & cheese adds a very nice flavor to the omelet. I was very pleased to find out that unlike chicken eggs, emu eggs have no sulfur taste whatsoever.


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